Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sugarcane Plumegrass

Saccharum giganteum (Sugarcane Plumegrass); is a new plant for me. I took out my grass ID book as soon as I could after spotting this stunning inflorescence. It turns out that the author thought this was an attractive plant as well because I found that it was on the cover! 

This grass is a close relative to Sugar Cane and is a native to Florida. I found it growing on the edges and in the middle of a small wetland in Alachua County. In case it is not apparent in the picture; the plumes of this grass are from 6 to 8 feet tall and a dark purple. Later in the season I will try to collect the seed and see if the seed is viable. 

As far as I know, this plant is not commercially available but if I owned land with a wetland I would want this plant growing in it!


  1. would Saccharum giganteum do well in south Florida? Is it salt tolerant?

  2. Sugarcane Plumegrass goes very well in South Florida. However, it does not tolerate saline conditions and needs a lot of water. It would do best in a wet area in your yard or near a pond.
